






Some of these people, in my opinion, may deserve to die for their crimes. But I have come to the conclusion that we, as a civilized society, should not kill them.

We should not because the death penalty fails the two tests against which any just sanction must be measured.

The first test is that the sanction must be in our public self?interest, which in this instance means that we protect our own lives by taking the life of another. In my profession, public protection is my primary responsibility. Therefore, if I had grounds for believing that the execution of convicted murderers saved the lives of innocent people, I would be obligated to endorse capital punishment.

But capital punishment does not protect. Few issues in criminal justice have seen as much research over the last 40 years as the deterrent impact of executions, and there is no issue I am aware of in which the balance of evidence weighs so heavily on the negative side. There is even the possibility that some murderers see execution as a martyrdom which will provide a dramatic end to a life of hatred for themselves and others.

It is sometimes said that even though an execution may not deter others, it at least prevents the freeing of the murderer in a few years to kill again. In Michigan, which has not executed anyone in nearly a century and a half, we have no record of any person commuted from a sentence of first-degree murder, who repeated that crime. First-degree murderers who do not die in prison serve an average of 25 years before release, and their record thereafter is exemplary. To argue that we need capital punishment for our own, safety will not stand scrutiny; life imprisonment is adequate for that purpose.

The second proper test of any penalty exacted by a civilized society is that it can be applied with assurance of justice and fairness. Capital punishment clearly fails this test as well.

It fails a test of social justice in that it has been disproportionately applied to minorities. This disturbing aspect of the death penalty application remains a problem even today. A recent study in our own state shows that both the race of the offender and the victim are factors in determining whether a person will be convicted of a first-degree murder or of a lesser crime. Research in other states has consistently shown a similar pattern of racial discrimination in assigning the death penalty

There also is the ever?present possibility??and over time the certainty??of the ultimate injustice: the socially approved execution of a person who happens to be innocent. Despite all judicial safeguards, some persons serving prison terms for murder in the first degree have been subsequently found to have been wrongfully convicted. At that point a prison term can at least be abridged, but a life cannot be restored.


I am convinced capital punishment fails all proper criteria of an effective and just response to homicide. But there is yet a strong reason why we, as civilized people, should not kill even the most hateful and undeserving of criminals. That is the brutalizing effect which the death penalty has on the public which imposes it. Deliberate, unnecessary killing cheapens the value of human life.

Once we recognize that the death penalty is neither a just nor effective response to murder, then only vengeance is left. Several years ago, Canada’s Pierre Trudeau asked this question: “Are we so bankrupt as a society, so lacking in respect for ourselves, so lacking in hope for human betterment, so socially bankrupt that we are ready to accept vengeance as a penal philosophy?”


最後に、カナダのPierre Trudeauの言葉に私たちは、真摯に耳を傾けるべきだろう。一文明人として、人の命を大切にしないことは恥ずべきことである。現在の社会は、あまりにも人の命を軽いものにしてはいないか。つまり文明社会はかなり破綻をきたしていないかを真剣に考えたい。一方で、人の命を救うために必死働いている人がいる。他方では、軽々しく人の命を、あたかもモノかのごとく奪ってしまう人がいる。人間は一人では生きていけない。みんなと協力し合って生きる社会を作っていかなくてはいけない。その中で生きていかなくてはいけない。自分の命、他者の命を尊んで生きていかねばならない。そうした信頼関係を築けない社会はさびしい社会だ。人の命を救う医師の真剣さ、患者の世話を献身的にしてくれる看護士たち。彼らを見ていると救われる。とてもうれしい。私たちの住む社会にこうした尊敬できる人たちが働いていることを忘れてはならない。私たちも人の命の価値を尊ばねばならない。少なくとも軽いものにしてはならない。そういう行為を許してはならないと思う。