【エッセイの添削 3】接続副詞と、その例文(使い方)

【エッセイの添削 3】接続副詞と、その例文(使い方)



1 for the reason / as a result of something
Progress so far has been very good. We are, therefore, confident that the work will be completed on time.
(Progress so far has been very good; therefore, we are confident that the work will be completed on time.)

We do not own the building. Thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.

The cost of transport is a major expense for an industry. Hence, factory location is an important consideration.

2 used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has just been said / despite something that you have just mentioned

We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors.

The substance may not affect humans. Nonetheless, the FDA is examining it closely.

What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind.
(What you said was true. Nevertheless, it was a little unkind.) 

3 in addition to what has just been stated / used to add more information

The source of the information is irrelevant. Moreover, the information need not be confidential.

He said he had not discussed the matter with her. Furthermore, he had not even contacted her.

He’s been studying hard for exams. Plus, he’s been working in a bar at night.

代表的な「接続副詞」をグループ別に掲載しました。エッセイを書く中で、上記のいくつかでも使えるようにトライしてみましょう。written English の評価が上がります。


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